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The Choir of York Minster
Benjamin Morris organ
Robert Sharpe director

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Attendance at services in British Cathedrals is on the increase, particularly for the service of Choral Evensong. This traditional service, using words from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, holds a great appeal for those who attend both in terms of the intimate and meditative atmosphere, and the central role of the music sung by the choir.

This recording offers the opportunity to savour the atmosphere of a complete Choral Evensong service in one of northern Europe’s largest cathedrals. The generous acoustic of York Minster is harnessed by the York Minster Choir and organist who provide the music for Evensong in this great building on a daily basis, and includes well-loved settings of the Preces and Responses, the Psalms, the Magnifcat and Nunc dimittis, anthems, and organ voluntaries, together with readings and prayers from members of the York Minster clergy.

Track List

Improvisation, op 84 no 2 – Francis Jackson
Bell and Aisle Prayer/ Organ improvisation (Benjamin Morris)
Introit Libera nos, salva nos – John Sheppard
Preces – William Smith
Psalms 69 and 70 Chants – Thomas Tertius Noble, Charles Leigh Naylor,George Surtees Talbot
First Lesson Genesis 28: 11–18
Magnificat St Paul’s Service – Herbert Howells
Second Lesson 1 Peter 2:1–10
Nunc dimittis St Paul’s Service – Howells
The Creed
Lesser Litany (Responses) – Smith; Lord’s Prayer – Robert Stone
Anthem Blessed City, heavenly Salem – Edward Cuthbert Bairstow
The Intercessions The Reverend Canon Peter Moger, Precentor
Anthem O pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Howells
The Grace
Hymn Ye that know the Lord is gracious (Rustington) – Charles Hubert Hastings Parry v3 descant by Benjamin Morris
The Blessing
Te Deum Laudamus in G – Ralph Vaughan Williams
Final Prayer
Organ Voluntary Final (Symphonie 3 in F sharp minor, op 28) – Louis Vierne

Total playing time 77:26

Production credits

Recorded in York Minster 8–10 February 2017 by kind permission of the Chapter

Recording engineer and producer: Gary Cole

Assistant engineer: Andrew Gammon

Sample audio extracts



‘The choir is greatly Improved from what had been a rather lackluster choral tradition and, under Sharpe’s leadership, has developed Into a superb ensemble. The Howells “Mag and Nunc” are sung full-bore, as befits Its Inspiration from St Paul’s Cathedral; and Balrstow’s magnum opus (he was organist of the Minster from 1913 to 1946), Is the best recorded performance of It I’ve heard. Extensive notes on York Minster, Evensong, the music and texts. An elegant production.’  American Record Guide March 2018

‘… the full cathedral experience can be found on Evensong from York Minster (Regent). Sheppard’s Libera nos sounds totally different here, with greater forces and in the glorious acoustic of that majestic building. Notable is director Robert Sharpe’s masterly handling of Howells’s St Paul’s Service, thunderously accompanied by organist Benjamin Morris and thrillingly sung by this great choir..’  The Guardian April 2018

‘This CD certainly leaves the listener with the impression of having been transported to a special place.’
Organists’ Review March 2018 

‘Three things make this CD a great investment for all lovers of Anglican Cathedral Music. Firstly, the outstanding singing by York Minster Choir, secondly the superb organ playing by Benjamin Morris. These are reflected in an excellent recording. But, most important of all is the opportunity to hear an entire performance of Evensong, including the intercessions, the congregational hymn and the bible readings. All this allows the listener to sink into the atmosphere and fully enjoy the full sweep of Thomas Cranmer’s (with a few tinkerings) glorious and unsurpassed achievement.’  MusicWeb February 2018 

‘Fine singing we have here from York with the combined boys, girls and songmen of the Minster….. If you are too far from one of our cathedral cities, this disc will give you the whole experience of our great choral tradition.’  Cathedral Music I 2018

‘…a top choir on top form… ’
Crossrhythms January 2018

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